Install backtrader

The satellite service allows you to install any packages you may need to run your custom scripts. To run backtrader, we'll install the backtrader package using pip.

The file quantrocket.satellite.pip.txt is a pip requirements file which contains the package we wish to install. We can specify one package per line, in any format pip understands.

This file should be placed in the root /codeload directory; you can run this command to copy it there (appending to any existing file if already present):

In [1]:
!cat quantrocket.satellite.pip.txt >> /codeload/quantrocket.satellite.pip.txt

To get the satellite container to see and install the files, use Docker to restart the container by running the following command (from the host machine not from a JupyterLab terminal):

docker-compose restart satellite

Tip: Open the detailed logs first to monitor the installation messages

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Part 2: Collect data